Beginner Steps Daycare LLC represents a balanced schedule of fun and a learning environment for your child. As a former Vice-President in a corporation, college educated employee and mother after leaving the corporate world; I decided to continue previous education for early childhood development with another degree in Education and opened my daycare. Many members of my immediate family are in the teaching profession from teachers to Vice-Principle to Principle. Throughout my past I have embarked on helping out in many classrooms with field trips, reading reviews, creating art lessons and learning by observation, prior Kindergarten education familiarity in background. In order to volunteer as a teacher for the Diocese of Bridgeport (any school) attendance of Safe Environments Certificate of Training mandated and completed. NAFCC ACCREDIATION.
The daycare focuses on problem solving, decision making and self-help, while promoting interpersonal communications. These are key elements which contribute to the child’s development, self-esteem and confidence. We believe that parents should be aware of all your child's activities. Allowing Beginner Steps Daycare and the parents to work together when needed for the benefit of their children. The staff consistent of full-time providers or educators, all employees up to date for CPR and pediatric first aid.